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The New Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

The New Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

With the recent changes in Raspberry Pi OS, the default username ‘pi’ won’t allow login anymore. The new headless setup for Raspberry Pi 2024 is crucial as the default username ‘pi’ and password ‘raspberry’ will not work on the new OS.

As per the official Raspberry Pi blog at Raspberry Pi Bullseye Update April 2022, the default username and password will no longer be allowed for headless login. This, coupled with the new HDMI connector cable for Raspberry Pi 4 not being readily available, presents a challenge for end users.

default username ‘pi’ and default password ‘raspberry’ will not work on the new OS

As per the official Raspberry Pi blog at Raspberry Pi Bullseye Update April 2022, the default username and password will no longer be allowed for headless login. This, coupled with the new HDMI connector cable for Raspberry Pi 4 not being readily available, presents a challenge for end users.

Headless configuration

Raspberry Pi Imager tool

For those running their Raspberry Pi headless and unable to use the wizard, the Raspberry Pi Imager tool is a lifesaver. It allows you to preconfigure an image with a user account. When such an image is booted, it directly enters the desktop, logged in as the user configured in the Imager.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. After selecting the source image and destination in Imager, click the “settings” button – the cogwheel image – before clicking “Write.”
  2. Use the Advanced options menu to provide a username and password, and any other preconfigurations needed.
  3. Ensure to:
    • Enable SSH and enter the relevant details.
    • Set username and password.
    • Configure wireless LAN with your network details.
    • Set timezone and keyboard layout as per your preference.
    • Decide on enabling or disabling telemetry based on Raspberry Pi’s policy.
  4. Click save. Make sure you’ve selected the correct Raspberry Pi version and SD card.

Tip: Download the image first from Raspberry Pi OS Operating Systems to avoid connectivity issues and for writing to multiple SD cards if needed.

This page provides you with almost all the options required to set up a Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

8. I prefer to download the image first this avoids any hiccups which may arise due to internet connectivity. Moreover, this enables me to write to multiple sd cards if required.

The manual method

If you already have the Pi image installed, there are alternative ways to preconfigure the setup without the Imager tool:

  1. Create a file named userconf or userconf.txt in the SD card’s boot partition (visible on Windows or macOS when mounted).
  2. The file should contain username:encrypted-password.
  3. To generate an encrypted password on a Windows 10 machine, use: echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin.
  4. Remember to:
    • Place an empty file named ssh in the boot partition for SSH enablement.
    • Configure the wpa_supplicant.conf for your Wi-Fi network.

Optional: Assign a static IP by adding ip=x.x.x.x at the end of the line in the cmdline.txt file in the boot partition.

echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin
The userconf.txt file in the boot partition of the sd card.

Connecting to Your Pi via SSH

After booting, you should be able to SSH into the Pi using the username/password you set. For additional settings, use sudo raspi-config to access the Raspberry Pi software configuration tool.

(optional) Assign an IP address to open the cmdline.txt file in the boot partition of the sd card and enter ip=x.x.x.x at the end already present line, after

After booting pi hopefully you can ssh into the same using the username/password you set. To enable or disable more settings you may use sudo raspi-config command to open the RPi software configuration tool.

The New Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

Additional Insights from Tom’s Hardware

Avram Piltch from Tom’s Hardware emphasizes the convenience of Raspberry Pis, especially for remote control. They detail how to set up a headless Raspberry Pi for the first time, even for the latest Raspberry Pi 5 model. Their guide includes:

  • Using Raspberry Pi Imager for installing OS on your microSD card.
  • Customizing settings for hostname, username/password, and Wi-Fi configurations.
  • Enabling SSH for secure remote access.
  • Editing Wi-Fi settings on a prewritten card.
  • Options for direct USB connection (specifically for Pi Zero / Zero W).
  • Steps for direct Ethernet connection between your Pi and PC.

For a comprehensive guide and more advanced configurations, visit Tom’s Hardware’s guide on “How to Set Up a Headless Raspberry Pi”.

That’s all Folks!

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